Thursday, November 4, 2010


I'm new to this, so please bear with me as I figure all of this blogging stuff out. I decided to start this blog on the suggestion of a few friends on Twitter. I figured, what the hell. You can only share so much there in 140 characters or less.

 I will talk about sex a lot here, so if that offends you, you should stop reading immediately. I'm learning to share and be more open with my sex life, and in turn, it has made for a much more enjoyable time in the bedroom. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with it to begin with.

I welcome any questions and comments, and thank you for reading and coming along with me.


  1. Hi, blogging can be lots of fun! I know for me its a way to express my feelings and get my emotions out there! Plus it gives me a chance to be a little naughty.

    I hope you enjoy it .. Ill check back on your blog soon!

  2. Journaling helps me sort out a lot in my own head. It helps me see where I've been, and learn from it. This will help you do the same with your sexuality, even if no one else ever reads it (but I think they will).

    As an added bonus, I have found men get pretty damned creative when they know you might write about sex with them... LOL!
