Monday, December 13, 2010

What was I thinking?

I work with some pretty crazy people. We all have to be a little crazy to work in retail, dealing with teenage girls every day; but there is one girl that is a touch crazier than the rest, and by that, I mean she is seriously crazy. She's on meds, and sees a couple of different doctors.  I am not going to name names, just in case she happens upon this post. Here is my dilemma:

This girl has a habit of going after men that are already taken, thinking she legitimately has a chance of a future with them. At one point, I thought we were friends, so I talked to her about one of the guys, and told her to walk away. In doing so, and in my husband and I being so open about what we do sexually, I think I may have helped to create a monster. My husband and I have talked about having a threesome with another woman for quite some time now. A few months ago, I wouldn't have been opposed to the possibility of including this girl. I'm really beginning to regret ever letting her into my life. I don't mind telling people about what we do in our bedroom, if I did, I obviously wouldn't have this blog. I do mind people trying to get to my husband behind my back. I am not a jealous person, but there are lines that you just don't cross. This girl is now talking to my husband all the time. He can talk to whomever he wants, but when it can affect our well-being, and my job, I think it's time to stop. I have a lot of problems with the girls I work with, I only work with girls, but this one talks the most shit about me, and has stated that she hates me. So why, all of a sudden, does she want to come to my house all the time? It's obviously not to see me. I know my husband would never cheat on me, but I am sure this bitch is going to try everything she can to get him to do something. Now, whether that is chatting online when I'm not around, to sending private messages to each other, to sending inappropriate text messages, I am not okay with any of it.

The worst thing about all of this is that I get turned on by how pissed off I'm getting. It makes me crave a beating. It makes me want him to come in, tell me to shut the fuck up, and just use me to get himself off. I want that more than anything. I want to be restrained, tied up, gagged, blindfolded, all of it. I want him to hurt me, really hurt me, in a way neither of us ever thought possible. I want him to leave marks, bruises, scars. But I want all of this to be purely physical, I don't want emotional scars. So how to make this happen? Hmmmm......and how do I get her out of our lives without completely fucking up my job, or coming across as a controlling bitch?

And how do I find a woman I am comfortable with and attracted to for a threesome with us? This is something I'd really like to do for my husband, as I know it's something he's always wanted. I have been with a woman once before, but it was a long time ago, and I was so nervous, I kind of just laid there and didn't really do anything, or enjoy it as much as I could have. So many questions running through my mind, and I can't focus long enough to answer any of them because of this deep craving I have. I have never wanted to be hurt like this before, but I am enjoying it. I wonder how much more I'll enjoy it when it happens?

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